
Is Andrew Tate a Scammer?

There is one guy that is taking the social media world by storm, and not for the all good either. That is former kickboxing world champion Andrew Tate, also known as Mr Producer.

There is one guy that is taking the social media world by storm, and not for the all good either. That is former kickboxing world champion Andrew Tate, also known as Mr Producer.

Tate has become as what many would describe as a YouTuber, or even an influencer when it comes down to social media. Yet, strangely enough he gets completely the opposite opinions to how he is perceived. Just like Marmite, people seem to either love him or hate him.

Even back when he was fighting, Tate has always been a controversial character and he is definitely not one to hold back his opinions when it comes down to posting on social media, so much so, that he recieves a lot of hate.

However, since retiring from kickboxing, Tate has dedicated his time to growing businesses making himself a self-made millionaire.

One reason he gets the mixed views is that Tate splits his social videos between either controversial subjects or teaching people how to get rich just like himself.

He promotes his War room which connects people with other like minded millionaires, and the Hustlers University course, which can be purchased from his own Cobra Tate website.

Another reason why he is getting spoken about even more online is that many claim Andrew Tate is a scammer. It is clearly visible to see Andew Tate has made a lot of money, let’s face it, you don’t get a Bugatti on your driveway for nothing. But is Tate making money legitimately or are these courses he sells and the War room just a scam?

So, is Andrew Tate a Scammer?

We have not purchased any of the Cobra Tates products so we cannot vouch for their legitimacy. However, during Tates kickboxing career, he was sponsored by the famous kickboxing equipment brand Sidekick Boxing, owned by Daniel Knight. Daniel mentioned that he had worked closely with Andrew Tate from back before when he was in the prime of his kickboxing career.

Daniel claims Tate was far from whiter than white when it comes to working together. We caught up with Daniel to see his thoughts on Andrew Tate.

Daniel said:

“We wanted to sponsor Andrew for many reasons. We knew he could be quite arrogant, but we liked that, it gave him character. If there was one fighter that was going to get us heard it would definitely be Tate, and he had everything to back it up to.

As much as people didn’t like him, we built a really good working relationship with Andrew. A lot of people probably didn’t like him because they were envious of him as no one in the U.K at the time was at his level. It was only the true fighters that respected him as they could appreciate what being a fighter is really like. So Tate gave us great exposure along with his credible endorsement, It was win-win for us really.

What we can say about Tate is his strategy to promoting us as a sponsor and to make sure we were getting a return on our investment from him. Some of which we were a little dubious of.

Tate always wanting to rub people up, he decided to fake a conversion of Sidekick giving Tate money to fly back from Thailand as if he was stuck out there. Sidekick was obviously paying him as a sponsor, buy Tate wanted to take it that little bit further and make out to other fighters that their sponsors wouldn’t go to these lengths to help them out. It was a great marketing method as fighters only contacted Sidekick to get a sponsorship deal.

Tate has even kicked through a baseball bat as a marketing stunt.

The only recognition of Tate potentially being a scam was when the days leading up to him going into the Big Brother house. Tate asked for £300 for him to wear a Sidekick t-shirt going into the house. I know in the world of TV, and I’m sure Andrew did too, that they are very particular what brands are shown live on TV. This was possibly an easy way for Tate to make a quick £300 regardless of whether wearing the shirt or not.”


Depending on your sense of humour, Andrew Tate can be a very funny guy. However, to go as far as trusting his programs or War rooms to making you millions of pounds is a different story. You may need to make your own judgement on that.